Something smells in our kitchen, and I can’t figure out what. I’m pretty sure it’s the fridge, since the smell appears after we open the fridge door (unless that’s just coincidence, which I haven’t ruled out), BUT when we stick our noses right in the fridge, nothing smells bad. I’ve already tossed everything that could possibly have gone bad or be going bad, and there are no spills. I’ve gotten rid of the ice just sitting in the freezer. The trash has been taken out. The garbage disposal is clear.
This smell won’t go away. I mean, it DOES go away – it fades pretty quickly and even when it first starts, it’s not as strong as it was earlier in the week, but why does it keep coming back? What is it coming from?
It’s driving me crazy.
Which reminds me of the smell in the car, which has FINALLY gone away. About a week ago, we smelled skunk right around our parking spot, like a skunk had sprayed or died or something near the car. No sign of it, but the whole area smelled. We got in the car, no smell, and went off to do whatever we were doing that day. Then, every day for the next week, outside was all clear, but we could smell skunk pretty strongly INSIDE the car. It was just this morning that we got in and realized the smell was gone. Why was it inside the car but not outside? It was gross.
Bad smells suck.