Riley loves me, this I know
He’s reminding me that I should be paying attention to him who adores me and not so much to the computer. I’ll be right there, Doggy-dog.
I love Tom and Lorenzo. They make fun of people in the most delightful way.
That appears to be all I have to say today. Oh, wait.
This week, from an I-was-better-about-doing-the-things-I-need-to-be-doing perspective, has been much better than last week. Last week was all about keeping weird and stupid hours, not getting enough sleep, eating like a piggy little pig, and NOT EXERCISING AT ALL. All week. I didn’t feel so hot when I got to last weekend. I felt downright disgusting. And very very tired. So I’ve been better this week. Not perfect, no, but better. About that stuff. I haven’t pigged out (as much), I’ve done some sort of exercise every day since Sunday, and I’ve been getting closer to eight hours of sleep every night. This week was MUCH worse for work, though. But I’m not going to talk about that. (I vented to Jess on my way home today, so I feel a little better. Thanks, Jess!)
The other thing I feel better about? Calculus. I got my midterm grade back over the weekend. I got a B. That’ll do. I thought I did better than that, but considering…everything, I can be happy with it. I take my final next week. I turned in my last quiz twenty minutes ago, so the final is all that’s left. That feels good, but so does knowing I can still handle calculus. After all this time.
Now what do I get to do? Clean. Clean like crazy, like the wind, like I’ve never cleaned before. Because the house is a WRECK. It looks like a tornado came through. See for yourself:

This is what happens when we don't pick up the clutter for a couple of weeks. We just keep shoving it to the side.
Note the calculus paraphernalia and the books stacked all over the dining room table (because the giant annual used book sale I LOVE was last weekend and we just HAD to leave work early on Friday to go before they closed at 7pm that night because we were out of town the rest of the weekend) and the toilet paper, giant bottle of ibuprofen, and tons of mail scattered on the island. And that’s just this room.
I know where I’m starting, though. All those new books need to be shelved, and before they can be shelved, they have to be catalogued. Hey, it’s gotta be done. I might as well be the one to do it.