It never ends
We’re being all companionable today, sitting next to each other on the couch with our laptops on a rainy Sunday, and wait a second – does that rain look white? Is that SNOW? It doesn’t look like it’s entirely snow, and it’s not exactly sleet – what the hell? Is it STICKING? Is the ground white? Okay, everybody, take a deep breath. No, there’s nothing white on the ground, but that rain looks really odd and snow-like. Ugh.
Sorry about the momentary panic. We can move on now. To some headlines written but never published.
[A couple of hours later.]
We’re back from the gym, and while we were gone, my fears about the weather were realized. There is now a white slushy ickiness all over the ground. I repeat: there is white slush on the ground. In my YARD. On March 30th. I give up.