Busy lazy life

I feel like I had a crazy busy day today, like I rushed from thing to thing, but that is a completely ridiculous feeling to have, especially about today.  I’m not knocking the stay at home mom life in any way.  But really – today’s the day that felt crazy?  See for yourself.

7am-ish to about 9: Jack woke up.  John changed him, I fed him, we played a bit, and John took Jack so I could shower and eat breakfast.

9:10ish: I fed Jack off and on until he fell asleep.

9:45 to 11:15am: Jack napped in my lap.  I napped a bit, too.

11:15 to noon: I played with Jack, changed him, got some cute videos while I gathered up a blanket and some toys.

Noon to 1pm-ish: Jack and I sat outside on a blanket in the shade.  I fed him, he played, two of the neighbors came over to chat.

1pm-ish to 2pm-ish: I made lunch for me and John (scrambled eggs and toast), tried to feed Jack a tiny bite of scrambled eggs (he gagged), ate them myself, and fed him some baby food he actually likes.

2:30pm-ish to 4:30: We went for a long walk with Helen and Nora.  Jack napped from about 3 to 3:45.

4:30 to 4:50: Fastest grocery trip ever.

5pm-ish to 6:30pm:  I fed and changed Jack, we made and ate dinner, fed Jack some baby food, and played a little.

6:30pm to 7pm: Bathtime!

7pm to 7:35pm: Bedtime!

Highlights: I napped, played, went for a walk, and ate.  No appointments, no major errands, no timelines or deadlines, no meetings, and yet it didn’t feel as relaxing as it looks on paper.  I need a do-over.  That’s a relaxing day, damn it.