I turned on the TV so I could have the Olympics on in the background while I wrote, and the women’s 5K is just starting. Good timing for me. I mean, I’m sure it was hours ago, but the men’s 5K was the race that was so awesome at the trials, so I’m excited.
Ooh, this is like live-blogging. And by “like live-blogging”, I mean it is live-blogging. Except that this probably happened hours ago. But it’s happening right now on my TV!
Okay, the Japanese woman in the lead (right at the beginning) is wearing sunglasses. No one else is wearing sunglasses. Maybe her eyes are super sensitive to light? It looks a little weird.
They’re running in tankinis. I noticed that for some of the races (running and swimming), the athletes have been more covered up than in the past, but apparently not this one. I just can’t imagine running in underwear.
Aaaaannnnd I’m back to hating NBC TV coverage. They just cut away from the race for commercials. It only takes 15 minutes! I have a 15-minute attention span, NBC, and I WANT TO SEE THIS RACE. We’re switching to the website.
Wait, they’re back. Oh, and they cut away to an old race. COME ON.
Back, and the leader (who is no longer the Japanese woman) is WAY out in front. Let’s see if she keeps that kind of lead.
Oh, whoops, there goes her lead. But MAN, she looks relaxed. That’s my goal. I don’t need to hit that kind of speed (sub 5-minute miles – like I’ll ever come close), but I need to look that comfortable.
DAMN they’re going fast.
Oh, they look so happy! I’m avoiding say WHO looks so happy because SOME people like to watch their races without knowing who won. I know I was complaining about the NBC TV coverage, but at least if you’re watching it on TV, they assume you’re watching it “live” and they don’t tell you who won. Online, for any events that are over, you can’t avoid knowing the winner when you search for the videos. Believe me, I tried. Even the URLs for the videos have the winners in them. And yeah, I’ll watch them anyway, but most of the excitement is NOT KNOWING HOW IT ENDS.
I’m seriously thinking about moving my massage appointment tomorrow so I can be home to watch the actual livestream of the men’s 5000m final and NOT know who won. John will be away (gig), but then when he watches it later, I can safely search for the video and start it for him. Yeah, I might do that.