I want to get my hair cut. I think. And I want to dye it. I think. (Dark purplish red – do an image search for purplish red hair and focus on the darker ones.) And I’d like to do both of those things soon. I think. At the same time? Maybe. Here’s the thing (and it’s a minor thing): Emily’s wedding is in July. I’d like my hair to be long enough to put up by then (by a professional, of course – I’m useless at that), or at least long enough to be made all fancy (again, professionals needed). So if I cut it short, I need to do it soon, or else I could cut it not that short. Anything above the shoulders will do.* But if I cut my hair now, I think I want to chop it off at my chin (because I’ve done it before and it works). Will it grow enough in six months? If I cut off that much, I’ll have enough for a Locks of Love donation (I think), which is something I’d like to do because 1) it’s a nice thing to do, 2) how many times in your life do you have enough hair to do it? (you need to be cutting off 10 inches), and 3) I can think of literally nothing else that can be done with hair once it’s cut off (that isn’t completely creepy and gross), and it’s kind of neat to have a purpose for it.
What’s the hold-up? Nerves. What if it doesn’t look good? What if it’s a bad haircut? I feel like my long hair helps to make my face look longer and thinner. If I cut it shorter, will my face look fat? (Honest to god, ridiculous as it sounds, I’m actually worried about my haircut making my face look fat. Shut up.) Should I dye it while it’s long? I like the idea of having long flowing dark purplish red hair. But I’m getting tired of the long hair thing. I could dye it long, keep it that way for a week, and then get it cut. But it’d be cheaper to dye if there’s less of it, so I could cut it and then dye it. The dye thing is only temporary – I like my hair the color it is. I just want to try it out a little more permanently then I did last year.
I’m not usually this bad at decisions (except for dinner – that decision sucks sometimes (a lot of the time)). I’ve been considering this one for a while, and I’m no closer to the end than when I started thinking about it. Help!
*Not true. No pixie cuts.
For reference, it looks like this now (and has looked like this for at least a couple of years).

I probably have a more recent picture (this is from last June), but it would require effort to find one. Too hard. June was only 7 months ago.