I’m officially rescheduling my birthday to some weekend with perfect weather in the spring. Possibly late spring. I definitely need a do-over. One that involves wine. On the one hand, yay – we got a lot of moving done, and that’s something I wanted. On the other hand, it was maybe the WORST weekend we could have scheduled a move. Let’s start with Friday.
Friday: My actual birthday. My gym was closed, so there was no boxing. John and I went to the normal gym, but eh – it wasn’t that much fun. Then I stayed at work late, which is also no fun on your birthday. Highlight #1 (during the day): Chastity took me out to lunch. We went to the Cheesecake Factory and ate only appetizers and cheesecake. Delicious. Highlight #2: everything after I got home. John picked up Indian takeout (yay!), so that was waiting for me when I got home, but even better, as I walked in the front door, I was enveloped in the smell of a cake baking in the oven. Best smell in the world. The smell was so good I wanted to dig myself a hole in the middle of the cake and go to sleep in it. So for my birthday (the part that counts), I ate Indian food and cake while watching Stardust (I love that movie). That part was good.
Saturday: The forecast called for 5-8 inches of snow, but it wasn’t supposed to start until late morning or early afternoon. We picked up our truck at 8:30 and were back at the house before 9. The snow started before we got home. We spent the next four hours carrying a bed, 10 bookshelves, and 54 boxes (all books and office stuff) from the basement out through the garage and up the ramp into the truck (thank goodness for the ramp), then back down the ramp and into the storage unit (which is only 2 miles from the house), all in below-freezing temperatures (I think it was in the single digits) and driving snow. We had to keep sweeping snow out of the storage unit before we could put anything else down on the floor, and it was SO cold. Three pairs of gloves were not enough to keep my fingers warm. Getting the truck back to the house was treacherous (the roads were awful and windshield wipers on the truck didn’t actually touch the windshield – useless things), and then, to add insult to actual injury (we were sore and achy and I’m bruised all over my arms and legs from schlepping heavy stuff), we couldn’t get it into the driveway again until we shoveled the four inches that had accumulated so far. We left the truck idling in the middle of the street while we cleared the driveway and sidewalks. Then we collapsed.
Sunday: Weatherwise (hee – hi, Margaret!), Sunday was the complete opposite of Saturday. The sun was shining and the temperature climbed into the 40s. We still had to start the day with shoveling the four inches of snow that fell after we collapsed Saturday afternoon, but after that, we loaded the truck with a few more things for the storage unit and some stuff for the apartment. The storage unit part was comparatively easy, but the apartment – whose idea was it to take the apartment on the 4th floor? Sure, we’re in good shape, and on a normal day, three flights of stairs is no big deal. But over and over? Carrying odd-shaped and heavy boxes? Really? That was not fun. We quit around 3:30 and returned the truck, then treated ourselves to cheeseburgers and fries at Cheeburger Cheeburger, with milkshakes to go. It was around 5 or 5:30 when we got home, and after those two days, we were wiped out. We showered, climbed into bed with our milkshakes, watched TV for a couple of hours, and went to sleep early.
Happy birthday to me!