Social distancing is not a problem in this household

This whole coronavirus thing hasn’t changed our lives all that much yet.  We’re already basically hermits.  Jack and I had been getting out a lot, and we do miss our baby friends (and their moms) and the library story times, but the weather is getting nicer and we’re compensating by taking morning hikes and then collapsing into naptime.

“Hikes”, I should say.  We’re walking on level paths through some woods or around a pond, at Jack’s pace.  He’s been doing great – he walks on his own more than half a mile before he asks to be picked up, and even then he still walks a little more.  Then we have a snack and a diaper change, and he falls asleep on the way home and through the transfer into the crib.

We’ve only seen a handful of people, all keeping their distance.  Jack has discovered the joys of scuffing his feet through leaves, pine needles, gravel – whatever the path is made of.  Then he runs, he falls, and he giggles when I brush off his hands.

A very merry unbirthday to you

I have decided that we are going to celebrate half-birthdays in this house, primarily because it’s an excuse to eat cake.  No one is fighting this decision.

We started with Jack.  He turned 18 months on March 26th, and to celebrate, we sang “happy half-birthday to you”, showed him the giant bunny head balloon I found (he likes bunnies, calls them “hops”), and gave him a chocolate-frosted cupcake for breakfast.

To any readers still out there

I never meant for this blog to become mini book reviews only.  I’m at least a little bit grateful that I’m able to keep up with those (or at least catch up every month or two), and a lot of that has to do with how SLOW my reading pace is lately.  I used to be able to read while nursing Jack, but he got faster, and then we started weaning, and now we’re done.  Now I only get to read before bed, or on the rare evening I don’t have to work (like tonight! Except I’m doing this instead!).

Speaking of work, I’m still working part-time (20 hours a week).  My company is still letting me do it, and I have no intention of changing it.  I get a couple of hours in early in the morning (like 5:30 to 7:30), the occasional meeting during the day, and IF Jack naps in the crib, I work then.  If I don’t hit four hours, I do the rest after Jack goes to bed.  During the day, Jack is still pretty…needy? Clingy? Insistent that I be physically attached to him while he plays?  Point: I can’t get any work or reading done while he’s awake.

Jack is still perfect and wonderful, of course.  He’ll be 18 months old in 2 days, which is CRAZY, like completely bonkers.  Not that he survived, or that we kept him alive, but DUDE.  I have an 18-month-old.  Wut.