I had the best morning today. Getting up was a little difficult, but I got up and out and went for a run. Ran over the Naval Academy Bridge (across the Severn River), went a little past and up to a scenic overlook. I was skeptical, since it seemed like it would just look out over the road (yay road?), but no, they know what they’re talking about when they say there’s a scenic overlook. There’s a view of the river and the bridge and the academy on the other side. Scenic. That was my halfway point, so I came back home thinking I’d grab John and we’d go have breakfast, but he wasn’t back yet. (He went to Pax River last night to see Shorty and ended up staying.) So I grabbed my phone and my key, went to Starbucks, and looked for a place to enjoy the sunshine and people-watch. Found the city dock instead (where we saw a band Thursday night), so I plunked myself down right on the edge with my back to a support post, and talked to Mom and Dad for a half-hour or so. It was SO nice. Warm, but not hot, sunny, breezy (no bugs!), me with my iced white mocha.

See my shoes? Proof I was there!

Better view, but not great. The sun was in the wrong place. Move, sun! (Yes, let’s blame the sun.)
I took a few blurry pictures of sailboats that I won’t subject you to, and I tried to get a picture of the guy who was sitting near the top of his big sailboat’s mast doing…something, but that picture didn’t come out well at all.
My terrible photos aside, it was SO pleasant, SO nice, and then as I was walking back to the apartment, I went down the street John usually parks on to see if he made it back, and there he was, driving up the street looking for a spot. Perfect timing. After we got his car safely parallel-parked next to a gigantic tree, we headed to West St to check out the flea market (underwhelming, but then, flea markets aren’t really our thing – it might have been an awesome flea market as those things go), and then we had coffee and breakfast at a spot down the road.
Every Saturday morning needs to go like this. Every morning would be nice, but that might be asking too much.