Derby Day!

I love Derby Day.  The day itself has not gone like I planned, but that’s okay.  I planned to run this morning, but it started to rain just as I went outside, so we decided to just go ahead and have breakfast.  Which is, of course, when the sun came back out.  Too late.

Today had lots of good things, though, and more to come, I’m sure.  John’s anniversary present to me this year was/is the dance lessons I’ve wanted us to take since before our wedding.  There’s an Arthur Murray studio in Ashburn, so he scheduled our free lesson for today at 12:30.  It was fun!  I like dancing, and I think I’ll really like knowing, you know, how.  John is not as comfortable, but that’s the point of lessons.  He’s doing this for me, and I love him for it.  So we signed up for one of the plans, and we’ll learn everything we can.

After that, John went to the music store with Will (John needed mandolin strings (he snapped one yesterday), and Will was looking for a bass), and since I missed my morning run, I strong-armed Christina into walking with me (and Colin in the stroller, of course) so I could do a long, slow jog.  I like exercising with a buddy.  If Christina is interested, maybe we can meet up regularly.

Oh, Roxy news.  The results of the bloodwork show that her dosage does not need to be changed, and the condition of her liver has actually improved since last year.  (The medicine that does the best job of controlling her seizures also causes long-term liver damage.  She started taking a supplement a year ago to combat that, and it appears to be working.)  Unless she really starts having seizures more often or that are more violent, we’re treating Thursday’s cluster seizures as an isolated event.  Assuming she doesn’t have any more in the next few days, she’ll have her fractured tooth removed this Wednesday.  In the meantime, she’s getting treated to delicious wet food twice a day and begging for more.

The Derby was all good news this year, no tragedies, and a great race.  Very fun to watch.  Tonight is for staying in and relaxing.  Tomorrow, we might do some of the things we originally scheduled for today (like weeding my flower bed and buying the plants that will go in it, studying for John’s AI final, and checking out a used bookstore in Falls Church).  Maybe.

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