I decided to wear my glasses today BEFORE I noticed anything weird with my eye, I think. I mean, the doctor suggested I wear them a little more often and my contacts maybe a little less. But on the drive to work, I felt like there was something in my left eye. I checked it out in the mirror once we got there and couldn’t see anything. I asked John to look – nothing he could see. But my eye watered all day and it still feels like there’s something in there. I made an appointment to see my eye doctor, but I can’t get in until tomorrow afternoon. Today would have been a pretty pleasant day, if not for the constant tears and the stuffy nose that followed. At least I know this wasn’t caused by dry eyes.
I can’t stare at the computer screen anymore. I managed to do it all day, but I think my eyes have had enough. The worst part is that it makes it hard to read. I mean, really. What could be worse than that?
Don’t answer that.