Odds and ends

I’ve been trying to think of the weirdest combination of things I’ve ever bought at the grocery store.  You know, when you’re out of milk, toilet paper, and batteries or something and you don’t need anything else.  But that’s not all that strange, really.  Yesterday, I went to Bloom for milk and grated cheese.  Just that.  But still, not all that weird.  Today, the guy in front of me at Wegman’s bought two 1-liter bottles of flavored water (like Propel, only not), a package of Klondike bars, and twelve little cans of cat food.  That’s it.  I think that might qualify as weird.

I finished September just now.  It was such a nice book.  I’m going to start The Sparrow, by Mary Doria Russell, when I go up to bed.  Which will be any minute.  I’m afraid that if I stay up any later, I’ll start to worry about work and our future.  I can feel the anxiety mounting, and if I can just get to bed, I’ll be able to put off worrying until tomorrow.  I think.

That’s the plan.  I’ll let you know if it works.


  1. ibcrandy

    No, that didn’t really happen. It was just the result of the midnight Wal Mart trips that me, Craig, Nick (who just got engaged), and Paul used to do. We’d try to purchase the oddest things just to get a reaction from the chekout person. This was a combination thought up later by Nick that we agreed probably couldn’t be topped. Up until then Nick was also the winner with a single peanut.

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