Tortellini and a dying tree

Wow.  “Dying” looks SO not right.  It looks like you’d pronounce it “d’ying”.  Totally weird.  Anyway…

Work was actually kinda fun today.  I got to play with a working model of the project I’ve been working on before we start officially testing it.  I didn’t get anything else done today, but I can get back on track tomorrow.

I think I want this evening to be very restful.  I’m making tortellini (ooh, boiling water – that’s hard), and then after dinner I just want to read my book.  Or possibly throw out almost everything stored under my bathroom sink.  That could be therapeutic.  I want to take the dogs for a walk after dinner, even if only for ten minutes.  And I really hope it rains tonight.  We haven’t been getting nearly enough, and our poor sickly tree looks sicklier than ever.


Check out the very healthy green trees behind it.

The poor thing is losing all its leaves.

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