Seriously, don’t mind me. I’m just dead. It was the LONGest day. (Not that Longest Day.) Huh. The more I type “longest”, the weirder it looks. Anyway, I got up at six, got to work by 7:45, worked from then to a little after 5, exercised until almost 6:30, came home and ate dinner, and then spent an hour and a half cleaning. I’m done. Can’t do any more. Brain isn’t working, legs barely work (getting up from this chair is going to be really painful). Fingers feel okay. Elbows are fine. My hair doesn’t hurt. The rest of me? Let’s not talk about it anymore.
I am still reading A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. I think it’s the longest book of all time. I’m sure most of that is because I haven’t had a lot of time to read. And that’s at least partly an excuse. I haven’t been making time to read. I’m relying too heavily on italics. And I’m unable to stay on topic. I’m heading for the shower and then my bed. I don’t want to be exhausted all weekend. Busy busy busy!