Where did my free time go?

You know what’s been driving me a little crazy the last couple of days?  Not having enough time to read my book (so I can be done with it and ready for the new one next Tuesday).  Solution?  This is all I’m posting tonight.  I’m off to read my book.

P.S. My new job is going fine.  I’m in training, and my new office-mate is great.


  1. inoidiot

    Let me see if I understand this correctly.
    You read the 1st book in a series. Then the 2nd book comes out.
    You reread the 1st book, and then read the 2nd book. The third book comes out.
    You reread the 1st book, you reread the 2nd book, and then read the 3rd book. The 4th book comes out.
    You reread the 1st book, you reread the 2nd book, you reread the 3rd book, and then you read the 4th book, etc., etc., etc.

    No wonder you do not have time to read.

    Let us see how this applies to your running.

    You run the 1st mile. Before you run the 2nd mile, you go back and rerun the 1st mile. Then you run the 2nd mile.
    Before you run the 3rd mile, you go back, rerun the 1st mile, rerun the 2nd mile, and then run the 3rd mile.

    It would certainly take you a long time to run 3 miles, but think of the shape you would be in!

  2. inoidiot

    Oh, wow! I have been smitten by the possibilities. Imagine applying this to writing:

    I I think-
    I I I think think that-
    I I I I think think think that that you-
    I I I I I think think think think that that that you you are-
    I I I I I I think think think think think that that that that you you you are are taking-
    I I I I I I I think think think think think think that that that that that you you you you are are are taking taking this-
    I I I I I I I I think think think think think think think that that that that that that you you you you you are are are are taking taking taking this this to-
    I I I I I I I I I think think think think think think think think that that that that that that that you you you you you you are are are are are taking taking taking taking this this this to to the-
    I I I I I I I I I I think think think think think think think think think that that that that that that that that you you you you you you you are are are are are are taking taking taking taking taking this this this this to to to the the extreme.

  3. inoidiot

    Oh! Oh! Oh! I’ve got it! I’ve got !

    Instead of rereading all of the books in the series when the next book comes out, just read the new book like this:

    Read the 1st sentence. Then go back, reread the 1st sentence and then read the 2nd sentence. Then go back, reread the 1st sentence, reread the 2nd sentence, and then read the 3rd sentence. Then go back and reread the 1st sentence, reread the 2nd sentence, reread the 3rd sentence, and then read the 4th sentence. Then go back and reread the 1st sentence, reread the 2nd sentence, reread the 3rd sentence, reread the 4th sentence, and then read the 5th sentence.

    This way, you have the luxury of rereading the book, without having to reread all of the books! It is sheer genius. Again, I live up to my user name.

  4. momma betty

    OK, first, inoidot actually is one unless he’s going to be upfront about who he is on a private blog. Not cool.

    Second, you’re right, Z: definitely male and under 35-40. Clever and somewhat funny but creepy as hell if stays anonymous.

    Third, the text has a little bit of the feel of a certain relative we all know and love, known for his ascerbic wit and fondness for puns, but I don’t believe he would take the time and effort to do this and most especially not anonymously.

    In my role as momma, I say: reveal yourself or get off.

  5. Zannah

    Mom, I did have some suspicions regarding that particular relative, but I don’t think he would be anonymous, so I dropped those suspicions.

  6. Zannah

    Also, it’s a public blog, and I’m thrilled if people I don’t know want to read it, but there’s no reason to be mean! Mean people get blocked. Inoidiot, I’m talking to you.

  7. inoidiot

    Okay, one at a time.

    I hear you Zannah. First of all there is no intent to be mean. A bit sarcastic perhaps, but intending to be humorous, not mean-spirited. My male friends who have seen this see the humor in my comments. My female friends agree with you and momma betty – not funny. So again, I apologize.

    Private blog? momma betty – I have to respectfully disagree. This blog is on the internet and has no password protection. When I Googled inane chatter, it is the first website that appeared. It has an option for posting comments and lets anyone register to do so. It is a personal blog, for sure, but it is not private.

    Yes, I am male. Clever? I wish. Somewhat funny? I’ll take that one. Creepy? No, or at least not as much as a meatball fairy. No offense intended, Zannah, but when we guys picture a meatball fairy, it’s a flying meatball with wings. It’s the male/female dichotomy again. I see now reading through your blog entries that it appears that all the comments are from women – I did not pick up on that before. So, in hindsight, I am a guy commenting on a blog used by a number of women. If I were one of you women I would probably think this was creepy. No creepiness was intended.

    As for your relative, no one has ever complimented me on my wit, and the good puns typically have to be explained to me. (But I am flattered that you think so.)

    How did I end up here? I am trying to come to an understanding of why people blog. I have always thought of it as inane chatter. Hence the connection. When I came across a blog actually entitled inane chatter I was instantly drawn in. Here is a fellow earthling that thinks like me. I began reading, thinking that this blog would be a spoof on blogging. But it is not a spoof. It is just what it says it is, inane chatter – or is it? Now I am really drawn in because if the blogger herself calls her own writing inane, why is she blogging? Now, I am not forgetting that this is a women’s blog, and I am sure the answer or answers are obvious to all of you, but I am a guy here, so bear with me while I figure this out.

    I did not want to just add a comment like “Yo, Zannah, if u think ur blog is inane chatter, y do u blog?”

    I thought instead that I would poke a little fun at your topics, fish a little bit in your intellect and see what I would catch.

    So, if I have really put you off, block my ID, and when I see that, I will understand and I will not bother you again.

    If you do not block me, then I will return, but I will change my tact (or as much as I can within my Mars dominated thought process).

    So later then, or maybe not.

  8. Zannah


    Thank you for the apology and the explanation. During the last week, I’ve gone back and forth over whether you were being sarcastic (and therefore funny) or just mean, and yesterday, I landed on mean. I probably should have just asked you, but, the internet being what it is, you could have been a troll and impossible to talk to. I’m glad you’re not, and I’m happy to have you stay for as long as you’re interested. Welcome!

    (Meatball with wings is how I pictured the meatball fairy, too. Not so flattering, sadly, but I suppose a four-year-old shouldn’t have to worry too much about tact.)


  9. Jessica

    Yeah, I totally pictured a female fairy (something like Carol Kane in Scrooged but with more red) swooping down on unsuspecting mortals with a plate of meatballs.

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