I spent several hours today setting up 6 new versions of my website. You’re looking at version #1 right now. And I’m including a screen shot of it at the bottom of this post so we can all still see it when I switch to the next one. I’m not even really tired of the original version, but I thought I’d test a few new ones and see if I (or we – you have some input) like them better.
So this is what I’ve been doing for the last 5 hours or so. We slept in (’til about 10:30) ’cause we stayed up late. We watched Adaptation and then had to follow it with Modern Family ’cause the movie was so weird we needed to cleanse our mental palates with something light and funny. And easily understandable. It was after one before we went to bed. We got up late, watched the first two-hour episode of Caprica while eating breakfast, and then we set up on the dining room table with our laptops again.
I was supposed to go to the grocery store today, and when I have to stop there on my way home from work tomorrow, I’m going to be really annoyed I didn’t do it this afternoon. But right now, I’m very happy I didn’t go. All we have to have before dinner tomorrow is stuff for breakfast (we have plenty for lunch), so when I go out to pick up dinner for tonight (yeah, we don’t have tonight’s dinner here, either, so I guess what we really have to have is breakfast AND dinner), I’ll swing by the Giant right next to the Indian place (’cause we’re having Indian for dinner – yay!) and pick up some cereal.
Then we’re in for the night. And I’m getting pretty hungry, so all of that is happening very soon. After I shower. We did one of those lazy Sunday things and rolled from bed to couch and breakfast, and from there to the dining room and our laptops. Didn’t shower, didn’t get dressed.
And Roxy just threw herself at the sliding glass door, so I should go let her in. Enjoy the new site (and let me know if something doesn’t work)! I’ll leave it this way for a day or two and then switch to the next one.