I’m enjoying running this week. Because of the time change, the sun rises earlier, which means I don’t have to run in the dark. I don’t like running in the dark. I don’t have any reflective thingys on my clothes (but I’m pretty sure my shoes have reflective strips), and when it’s seriously dark, I run with a flashlight. Which I’m not particularly crazy about. But at least I can be seen, which is more than I can say for the kid I nearly ran over on my way home tonight. Not even 6pm, and it’s pitch black outside. I was in my neighborhood, driving perhaps a tad faster than I should have been, and as I came up to the cross street right before mine, I saw a flicker of movement go whizzing by in front of me, from left to right. I got a better look when he got under the streetlight on the other side of the street, and I saw some kid flying down the hill, crouched down on a skateboard, wearing dark clothes. I was hardly the only car on the road. After he crossed in front of me, he was nearly hit by somebody backing out of their driveway. Maybe he gets a thrill out of near death experiences. I just think he’s crazy. And I’ll stop speeding in my neighborhood. I’d feel pretty guilty if I hit someone, and Mom says I’m not allowed to feel guilty anymore.
Oh noes, I almost forgot. Again. I forgot last year. Happy Blogiversary to me! Two years ago today, I started this blog. Yay me.
Update: Hell. It was yesterday. I missed it again.
Happy Anniversary for 2 days ago here in OZ.
Yeah, most skateboarders are bad asses like that.
He probably buys his clothes from you. Badass clothes for badass people.