I got a new hat!

I had to go downtown today to teach a training class for the first time in five months (unexpectedly – I’m the LAST backup for that, which means that the other six people were all either sick or still out of town for the holiday, so I found out at 6:15 this morning), and I’m comPLETEly worn out.  I’d forgotten how much that takes out of me.  I love to talk, I’ll never deny that, but talking for eight hours straight while standing up and fielding questions is exhausting. And then I came home and worked, since I didn’t get any of MY work done today.

So.  Short.  Almost done and going to bed (hoping that the guy I was subbing for today feels better when he wakes up in the morning).

I bought a hat!

And then I got a haircut, but I’m not ready to show it yet.  I need to remember how to use a hair dryer first.


  1. Bob was a monkey

    Nice hat – wish I has a head for hats. Well, I DO have a head, just not one that supports hats in a flattering manner.

    Wish I had a haircut too.

  2. Jessica

    That is an awesome hat. I thought you didn’t much care for hats, but that awesome hat looks awesome on you, you awesome person.

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