You’re a fake and I’m a phony
i bought myself a present. I finally own a copy of Holiday Inn, which I am watching right now. Other than that, I’ve got nothing for today.
Well, something. If you like Russell Brand, you will probably like Tim Minchin.
With that, I’m off to finish my book. It’s somewhat entertaining (Connie Willis’s book is MUCH better), but I’m ready for it to be over. I need to finish it so I can read something else. Before Christmas. Ooh, there’s a thought. What books are coming with me on our trip? That’ll be fun to plan out.
Thought of something else. John Scalzi posted his third list of ten things he’s done that you probably haven’t. I can only think of one off the top of my head: I have crossed every single line of longitude on the globe, all by ship (except for the width of the US – I did that twice in a car, a few more times by plane).
And now for some geek humor (thanks to The Daily What (and FoxTrot, of course) for the comic).