I cannot begin to describe how worn out I am. We were up way late (for us – like 1am) last night and slept in as late as we could before work today. Not long enough. So we were dragging when we woke up. I worked from home today, and while the morning was fine, the afternoon was frustrating and what little energy I had from my morning tea wore off pretty quickly. I went to the gym this evening for my strength class, and the instructor tried to kill us. She had us jumping from exercise to exercise, targeting two muscle groups at once, no breaks. Our heart rates were up and I was STILL yawning. It’s almost 7:30. If I’m not in bed by nine, I might not make it through tomorrow.
Even with all that, I don’t regret last night. We had dinner with friends we see less than once a year, friends who were just passing through on their way south, and if it means a day like today, well, okay. Worth it.