Earthquake in Virginia. 5.8 according to USGS. I find myself wanting to yell “We’re not in California, you know!” at the earth’s crust. Does a 5.8 cause much damage? I have no feel for these things. I’ll have to google that. Speaking of feeling things, the earthquake felt just like being on a ship at sea. Except I was sitting behind a desk staring at the shocked look on my boss’s face, wondering if I should go stand in the doorway. I didn’t. My survival instinct may need some help. Twitter is abuzz. (You thought I was going to say it was all atwitter, didn’t you?) Kinda fun to watch. At least my internet connection survived. No cell phones, though.
Update: 5.9, not 5.8
Re-Update: Back to 5.8. I wonder how that works.
Update: 5.9, not 5.8
You should go back to school for seismology and then let the rest of us know how that works. Oooh, I just figured out your future!
That’s divination (or maybe geomancy), not seismology! 🙂
… huh?
You’re making up words now. ;P
Still think you should be a seismologist, just sayin’.
Am not!
YOU be a seismologist. I’ll be a mathematician.
Or maybe a seismograph:
… geomancy. Nyah.
What are you talking about? I think that quake shook some neurons loose. Throwing dirt on the ground? It’s a Richter scale! It’s SCIENTIFIC. XD
Be a mathematician. I’m not interested in seismology. Now, meteorology, that’s my missed nerd-calling. That’ll be my next degree.
Eeoooo. Finally processed that first response. You were talking about me. I get it now. Duh, sigh.
The Singing Wombat
We were driving in PA when it hit, so we didn’t know the difference since we were on the bumpy road already. I guess people up here in central and western NY felt it too!