Hmmph. That title didn’t come out the way I meant it. Anyway, here is a picture of the wall of books in the dining room (that used to be the family room) with all of the books lined up at the front of the shelves.
We bought two more bookshelves last weekend (the two in the middle, not that it matters) and brought down the two that were in our bedroom. Those two are on the opposite wall from these. They’re all 100% full and I’m using three shelves of the bookshelf to the right of the TV in the other room (that used to be the living room). The four bookshelves in the library (which used to be the dining room) have been emptied of fiction and are slowly being filled with non-fiction books from upstairs. I moved my little desk (which used to be Dad’s little desk) into the bay window in the library so there would be room for another shelf in the dining room. Got all that? There might be a quiz.
Now for the compromise, since as I mentioned the other day, I’m not completely sure I like having all the books forced into a line. (Where are their souls? Down with conformity!) Tell me what you think.
They’re not the greatest pictures (I’m not the greatest photographer, to say the least), but you get the idea. The only thing I’m not crazy about is how the books behind the vases and the pictures and the bottles of wine are hidden. I know they’re there, but the casual browser (because so many of those come waltzing through my home – this is somehow not a real concern now that I’m writing it down) does not.
Do you like it? Do you hate it? Indifferent? That seems most likely.