I made breakfast! Like, real breakfast. On a WEEKDAY. Because this particular weekday happens to be John’s birthday, and he happens to love breakfast sandwiches. I made him two bacon, egg, and cheese croissant-wiches. And coffee. Because I’m cool like that. And also because it’s his birthday. More because it’s his birthday.
Happy Birthday, John!
Breakfast was awesome, so awesome that it’s 9:30 and I need a nap.
Chris H.
Happy birhtday, John!
(And it was great seeing you guys recently!)
Aww, that’s so sweet. I actually made breakfast this morning (also on a weekday) and also felt very proud of myself. But it was just for me. Sniff.
Anyway, happy birthday, John! (A little late, but sincere.)
Wait, I said I was going to be signing myself as “Jess” from now on, didn’t I? I don’t remember. It’s been too long since I posted anything.
We made bacon again on Sunday. The house smells. Like bacon, but still.
This morning, we were back to tea and toast. Cereal for John. Exciting.