New Year’s Eve Eve

Today I ran errands (ALL the errands!).  Tomorrow I have to clean.  And see our friends.  And drink champagne.  And eat lots of food.  So much food.  I don’t think there’s any food left at Wegmans.  (I’ll tell you a secret: I bought it all.)


The previous paragraph is what I typed when I grabbed my laptop to keep it from falling off of the chair.  Secret of the universe?  Key to unlocking time?  Too simple.  Maybe it’s the code to get to next year.  Way to wait until the last minute to reveal it, universe.


  1. Melvin?

    When they ask me for the key to get into next year, now I’ll know. Thanks for randomly getting the answer to that one. Not the key to the universe though, since we all know that’s still 42.

    Happy 2012!

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