I can’t concentrate today. I was productive for a while. Kind of. I picked up upstairs, bought new running shoes, deposited checks, bought groceries. Cooked dinner. Of course, my brain would rather dwell on the list of things I didn’t do today. I didn’t get my nails done (hardly a necessity, but at some point it went on my To Do list), I didn’t do any SQL or statistics homework, I didn’t go to the gym, I didn’t walk the dogs, I didn’t read my book (although I did finish listening to the audiobook John and I were listening to on the drive home yesterday), and I didn’t (I am SO done with italics for now) – oh, I lost my train of thought. There was another thing I didn’t do (I’m sure there are lots of other things I didn’t do), but I don’t remember what it was. I should really go back and re-order that sentence, but I’m not going to.
The biggest thing I didn’t do that I feel like I should have done is homework. It’s the middle of April already, and I’ve got lots to do. It’s just not getting done tonight, and I’m going to do my best not to worry about it. Because I’m tired. And I’m getting up early tomorrow to get downtown early tomorrow so I can stop working early tomorrow so I can meet friends I’ve never met. Everybody with me?
WHERE tbl.Status = ‘Can”t be put off until tomorrow’
0 rows returned
There’s your SQL lesson for the day
Wombat Central
Hooray for meeting friends you’ve never met! 🙂
But you don’t fall into that category anymore! Now you’re in the category of friends I’ve met and would like to meet again! (I like categories.)