Words. Interesting thoughts. Other words. Yoga was especially nice tonight, but all that breathing and relaxation at the end drove any semblance of coherence away. I’m barely upright (it was a long and tiring day), but very loose, so I’m heading to bed and hoping I don’t have any cop drama dreams tonight. The alarm went off this morning as I was throwing a small bomb out the window so it wouldn’t blow up in the house. It might have been a grenade. Grenades are basically just small bombs, right? But I could do without that kind of tension in my dreams. Wish me luck.
mama mama
Sweet dreams.
Wombat Central
You could borrow one of my dreams and shave your armpits. Yes, that is what my dream was the other night. Chew on that one, Dr. Freud.
Thanks, Mom.
Wombat, I think I’ll stick to cop dramas. If I dreamed about shaving my armpits, I’d probably wake up bleeding.