Remember that statistics midterm I wasn’t able to finish because I was caught by surprise by the format and didn’t have enough time to finish it? Yeah, the professor said no to my request to take another exam, so I got a 50%. To avoid a repeat on the final, I made sure I had over 4 hours available to take it. I walked in to the testing center and they gave me a scantron sheet. Yes, my final exam had 20 multiple choice questions on it (which is what I’d expected on the midterm, based on the tests in Statistics I – same professor). It took me an hour and a half. Do I think I did well? NO. Why? Because even though the course guide said the final will cover the material on the last two quizzes, about a quarter of the exam was on a subject we weren’t quizzed on. I could get lucky, I guess. Since it was multiple choice, I was able to guess at the answers. (I’ll leave the statistics jokes for you to make. I’m DONE.) So…yeah…I’m not happy. On the other hand, it’s over, and I will never be taking a statistics class from this horrible example of professor-hood (professor-ness, professor-ability) again.
This made me feel better (from The Daily What). One guy, lots of accents.
“But I am le tired!”
Wombat Central
Can you report him to someone? That’s just Nutty McCrackers to have something entirely different on an exam than you expected. I’d go right over his head. Okay. Now I’mma go watch your funnehs.
It is totally crazy, and I’ve done my class evaluation and forwarded it to an admin in the department. We’ll see. Actually, we won’t see. I’m sure I’ll never hear anything about it again, but I feel better. 🙂