I was hacked!

GoDaddy thoroughly freaked me out today.  Within 12 hours (starting around 3am this morning), I got 5 emails, all the same, shouting about how some malicious files had been uploaded to my site last December and that if I didn’t take (some unspecified) action by this coming Monday, my account would be suspended.  I wasn’t convinced this was legitimate, since 5 emails in 12 hours with a quick deadline (especially since this apparently happened last December) seems a little…unlikely?  Suspicious?  So I went straight to the GoDaddy website and looked up their number.  It matched the number on the emails I was getting. I called.  Short answer is yes, it was legitimate (although I don’t have an answer about why they went all crazy starting at 3am this morning).  They removed the files (I don’t know what files, so I don’t know if it’s something I uploaded) and needed me to email them back stating that I understand the terms of service (or something like that).  And that is that.  I hope.  Oh, I had to change my password.  The guy started to give me a hard time about my password, saying it has to be secure, and I was like, dude, my password was totally secure.  Not a real word, capital letters, numbers, special characters – this is not my first rodeo.  I may not have worded it that way at the time.  But I should have.

So, hey.  If anyone got any weird emails from me or noticed anything out of the ordinary on the site, I apologize.