I look like a lizard. Like a salamander. Or maybe a newt. It’s awful. Apparently, I’ve found another antibiotic I’m allergic to. Sure, that’s only two now, but one of them is amoxicillin, and that rules out everything in the -cillin family, which I think includes penicillin. (So someday I’m going to die because I need medication I can’t take because I’m allergic to it. Yay for me.) At least with that one, the reaction I have isn’t visible to anyone. With this one (bactrim), I turn into a lizard. A lizard on fire. Ooh, like a salamander! (I knew there was a reason I went for that one.) Seriously, though, I look scary. The doctor said I shouldn’t exercise for a few days (because I shouldn’t sweat – weird, right?), so I’ll be fat and scary. Good combination. Too bad it didn’t happen right before Halloween instead of right after. Built-in costume.
Roxy is still wearing her lampshade, but she’s doing much better. We gave her a break from it for a lot of yesterday (because we were home and could watch her), and we only had to stop her from licking her paw a couple of times. I’ll probably be home with her a lot this week. I don’t want to go out in public like this, so I will most likely work from home. Today is a sick day. Morning with the doctor, home for now, another appointment this afternoon – too disjointed to be productive at work.
Man, if I have to look like a mutant (and I totally do), I should at least get some cool superpower.
What superpower would you prefer?
Wombat Central
You could be Crimson, crime fighter extraordinaire.
Jess, are you saying you can get it for me?
I could be Crimson, crime fighter extraordinaire, whose superpowers are shooting fire my hands and super-speed.
I really don’t know what superpower I’d want. ESP/mind control? Time travel? Flight? Invisibility? Strength? How about all of the above?