I love the George Washington Memorial Parkway. There. It’s like a load has been lifted from my shoulders. Yes, it’s a road, a HIGHway even, but I don’t care. I love it. Particularly the stretch between the Beltway and the Roosevelt Bridge. (It’s like the Merritt Parkway in Connecticut, but better because you can see the Potomac River on one side.) I would love it even more if it were a country road, two quiet lanes instead of four busy ones, but I guess I can’t have everything. I love it in the summer when all the trees are leafed out and they meet overhead and the sunlight is filtered through the leaves before it gets to the road, and I love it in the fall when all the leaves change color. I found out this morning that I even love it after the leaves have fallen. The trees were shrouded in fog this morning, and with the branches peeking through – it was really nice. By the time I crossed the bridge, the fog had burned off downriver, and the sun was coming up over the monuments (always a beautiful sight), but upriver it was still foggy, like really foggy, and all I could see was the top of the National Cathedral. I wanted to pull over to take a picture, but there’s no place to do that on that bridge, and I wasn’t in the mood to get killed this morning. Instead, here are some pictures I’ve taken from the GW Parkway on other (sunnier) mornings. I solemnly swear I was at a complete stop when I took these pictures.
momma betty
I totally agree with you about the GW Parkway. So pretty any time of year. And when you’re stopped in traffic, you get to look around and enjoy it. Sure beats the Beltway any time.
Yup. Nothin’ pretty about the Beltway.
Thank you so much for your kind comment Mr. Scott. We wecmole you and any of your community partners to come and visit our campus. We love blogging and sharing the Metro Tech experience through our eyes as well as our students.
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