I realize I’ve posted nothing but negative things these last few days, and I’d hate for you to think I didn’t enjoy myself. I totally did. Molly and I got our nails done on Sunday, and Tom and I lost to Molly and Tania (by a whisker) and John and Emily (by a lot) at Taboo on Christmas Day. John and I kicked everyone’s butts (especially Emily and Sean’s) at Cranium on Saturday night. Christmas itself was a very fun day, as usual. Molly got me possibly my favorite present of the year. I am now the proud owner of a TARDIS hat.
Also, I have a flashing Rudolph nose, but I only wear it on special occasions.
momma betty
Love your hat! (And your nose.)
Thanks, Mom!
Brian Breguet
Must…have…TARDIS hat…
I believe this is my hat. http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/f0dc/?srp=93
They appear to be out of stock. I’m sure they’ll fix that soon. 🙂