It’s time for a Roxy update.
- She’s doing SO much better. She wags her tail sometimes, she gets up without assistance, she meets us at the door and asks to go outside, and she even trots off the deck with some of her old excitement. Sometimes. We think the liver medication she’s on might actually be helping. She’s also not favoring her paws like she was.
- Speaking of her paws, we took her to the doggie dermatologist yesterday morning, and he confirmed that her paw problems are most likely caused by her liver issues. His solution is another antibiotic, another topical cream, and a change in her diet. He says she needs a special kind of protein, so starting tomorrow (when I can get to the store), Roxy will get cottage cheese and calf liver with her regular dog food for dinner. She’s going to love it. The best part is that he thinks this should actually improve her paws, not just keep them from getting worse.
Right now, she’s wearing socks and resting quietly on her bed. (We’re supposed to keep socks on her paws for ten minutes after putting the new topical cream on them.) It’s cute.
Speaking of cute (or terrifying – you decide):
John thinks it’s fake. I think it’s hilarious either way. Here’s another one:
And here’s a really neat optical illusion.
All videos courtesy of The Daily What (here and here).