Typing “Open House” up there made me thing of Full House the TV show, and man, are those two things not at all related. Unless John Stamos (now, not then) is going to come over to help sell the house. Or move in and help us raise our sassy but cute dog.
Anyway, we had our open house yesterday. Our agent said we had really good turnout. One family stayed an hour, and other another family stayed for TWO hours. The two-hour people are the ones who lingered for 40 minutes on Thursday, the first day we were on the market. No offers yet. (Be pessimistic! Your optimism is scaring them away. Don’t tempt fate!) We had another showing this afternoon, and we have one tomorrow, too. I’ve said (and I keep saying) that we’re not in any hurry here, but now we’re in limbo, and I don’t want to stay in limbo. I should be putting this time to good use (see Step 4), but I figured I deserve a couple of days of relaxing before I start obsessing over the next thing. It’ll come soon enough. (Also, it’s John’s birthday today, so no doing not-fun things.)
Wombat Central
Hee! If only John Stamos would make himself available for such things. I’d go into real estate full time. ;D
Right? We’d be more likely to get Uncle Joey than Uncle Jesse.