Stuff to look at

I was going to post to a bunch of things individually, but I’m feeling a little too lazy for that, and besides – how long has it been since you visited The Bloggess?  Her links to shit-I-didn’t-come-up-with-but-wish-I-did-because-it’s-kind-of-awesome are kind of awesome this time around (not like they aren’t usually).  The cell phone crashing video is really cute (3 minutes – you’ve got 3 minutes, right?).  I haven’t watched the Wholock video because we’re not caught up on the Doctor yet, and I’m afraid of spoilers.

Check out the llama who thinks he’s Pepe LePew (from Reddit).

I….don’t have anything else, and I don’t have anything to link all of this together, and you know what?  That’s okay.


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