Yay red blends!

I found a new yummy wine!  Check out Stark Raving Red ($8.99 at Total Wine).

Love the label

It’s a red blend, and I think it’s very similar to Apothic Red ($7.97 at Total Wine)…

Apothic White is pretty good, too. Mildly sweet – like a pinot grigio.

…and Sexy Wine Bomb ($10.99 at Total Wine).

Of course, for all I know they’re actually very different, but I’ve never tried them back to back.  The point is that I like them all.  I want to try one called Once Upon a Vine.  Soon.

Check out the bottom of the label



  1. Momma Betty

    We first had Sexy Wine Bomb at Ed and Kris’ from Total Wine, so we brought back a case. Then I tired of it. Like I tired of the Double Decker Red. Now I like the Apothic Red best. I thought I liked Uncensored but it tastes way too smoky for me now. I’m so fickle.

  2. I love the recommendations, because we don’t drink wine, and I never have any idea what kind to buy for gifts! I sent Mr. Wombat out to get some w/ Mister Man one day, and they shopped strictly by the label. He found one w/ a black lab on it and bought it along with another kind. I was so glad it was very good friends receiving these, because I noticed the Lab one had a SCREW OFF TOP. My friend said that’s becoming more common now, but I still think she was just trying to make me feel better. How mortifying!

  3. Zannah

    It totally is. I love the screw-tops. So much easier than corks. Easier to open, easier to put away. I don’t think there’s any good indicator of good or bad wine anymore. There are yummy wines that are cheap and gross wines that are expensive (and cheap). Tasting is the way to go. Experimental.

  4. Jess

    Screw tops on wine bottles are awesome. I purposely look for them when I’m choosing new wines, and honestly, I haven’t been disappointed.

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