Bathroom tile breaks sometimes

John and I bought the bathroom tile yesterday morning, and then we spent today actually laying it down.  We have completed a very (very) important step in this mini bathroom remodel.  First, we did the layout.  We needed to know how many whole tiles we could use and how many (and how much) we’d have to cut.

Not sure why we didn’t put that one missing piece in – maybe I figured we had the idea?

From another angle:

Oh, hey, there’s the piece. Camouflage.

Then we picked them all up and started actually setting the tile with mortar and stuff.  I helped (a little).  Once all the whole pieces were down, John started cutting the other pieces to fit and oh dear god that is one of the WORST noises ever in the whole entire world.  Also, one of our three boxes of tile had a whole bunch of tiles that kept breaking and NOT along the line John was trying to cut them.  Very irritating.  And I’m shuddering just remembering the noise of the tile cutter.  My skin is crawling.

Here are all the tiles actually glued down.

All those little spacers kinda make it look like Arlington Cemetery in there.

The only pieces missing are the two up near the shower.  One will be whole, but the other has to be cut in a L shape – that’s going to be difficult.  Almost certainly beyond the capability of our cheap little tile cutter.

Then we’re going to paint (still deciding on a color – suggestions?), put the molding back on, grout, put the quarter-round back on, put the toilet back in, and oh yeah – we still have to buy a replacement vanity and sink.  So it’ll probably be a couple more weekends before we’re done.


  1. momma betty

    Looks really good but I knew that laying tile wasn’t as simple as all the DIYers say it is. Do you know what kind of vanity your want? I kind of like those Euro-looking ones on a wooden sort of pedestal with an open shelf beneath for towels and other attractive stuff. You could use baskets for the unattractive things.

  2. Illustrious Mr. Crapper

    Weird coincidence, we were doing bathroom repair this weekend too. Replaced the fill valve and flapper assembly in our master toilet – accidentally snapping the overflow tube in the process.

    Never really wanted to see that much of the inside of my toilet.

    Great work so far on the bathroom.

  3. We laid it down, all right. Right on the floor.

    (I’m a little disappointed that the the Illustrious Mr. Crapper didn’t make this joke before me.)

  4. Zannah

    Mom, I really do want that style of vanity, but we’re going to spend less money and get a more traditional one since, you know, we’re not going to be around to enjoy it anyway.

    Thanks, Dad!

    Greg, I hope snapping the overflow tube didn’t actually cause anything to overflow. Also, hee to master toilet. Do you have slave toilets?

    John, maybe he stayed away from it to avoid embarrassing me…ever think of that?

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