I don’t hate Taylor Swift
Really. Hate is not the emotion I feel about Taylor Swift. I think it’s mostly indifference, really. Some of her songs are catchy, others are instantly forgettable (if I ever heard them in the first place, which would be difficult to figure out if I forgot them right away). I don’t care enough about her to know who she’s dating or which song is about which boyfriend. (I think I’d have to be living under a rock or someplace that doesn’t have internet access (there might be wi-fi under my rock) not to know that she writes songs about current or ex-boyfriends.) Some of her outfits, when she shows up on TLo’s blog, are cute. Some aren’t. So I’m mostly just eh about her. But I cannot escape “Shake It Off”. I hear it everywhere I go. It’s always on the radio. I heard it in two different stores in the mall today. I hear it at the gym. (This morning I was listening to a podcast while working out, and the damn song was bleeding through in the background.) I don’t like it. I don’t want to sing along to it. How can I get away from it? Do I have to become one of those people who walks around all day with earbuds in, listening to who knows what and ignoring the rest of the world? I don’t want to be one of those people. I could avoid listening to the radio in the car. I could never leave my house and maintain complete control over the music that comes on. But I like to leave the house sometimes. And I like to listen to music in the car. I guess I’m doomed. I’ve tried nothing, and I’m out of options.