The phrase is “good fences make good neighbors”, but apparently so does not being too chatty. We went to say goodbye to our neighbors across the street Sunday night, and we briefly talked about what we know about the new owners. Both Mark and Robin told us they hoped they’re like us. In what way? Well, basically, we were the best neighbors because the four of us were all friendly with each other, but could (and did) easily pass with a nod or a wave or a shouted “Good morning!” and move on without the need for an extended conversation every time we saw each other. So…Mark and Robin don’t really want to talk to us all that often? Perfect! We feel the same way about them! So, yes, we were the perfect neighbors for each other. I can only hope the new owners are as barely social as we were.
Momma Betty
I guess it depends on the neighbors, but pretty much I feel the same way. Who wants to get ambushed, stuck in a long conversation when all you want to do is take the trash down to the street?