I cannot express my hatred of mosquitoes in words. Only primal screams will do. We were out on the deck of a restaurant Friday night. I was wearing jeans and sandals. During the day on Saturday, I noticed my feet itching a little. Then a lot. Then I finally looked. SEVEN bites on one foot, two more on the other. And NOW, three days later (and every night – it’s always worse at night), my feet feel like they’re on fire. My BARE FEET look like clown shoes (the ones with the pink polka dots). It’s awful.
So I googled “places without mosquitoes” to see if maybe that’s where we should move and found a very helpful article. I guessed two of them (Antarctica and Iceland), but the other three are tropical islands. Surprising. It might be worth it. It’s probably better than the alternative, which is to chop off both feet at the ankles.
No mosquitos here (also no water – I believe the two are related!)
Good to know! I’ll be there in a few hours.
momma betty
The people we just met from Australia said that their 11th floor condo balcony doesn’t have any mosquitoes either. But, of course, you do have to come down some time.
Can’t imagine why. 🙂