We’re still going through everything we own and trying to get rid of as much as possible. We want to lighten the load, both for moving and for living. “As much as possible” = as much as we’re comfortable getting rid of, and we don’t always agree on that, but we’ll keep adjusting as we move along.
We spent about 4 hours on Friday in the storage unit choosing which of our children to give away and which ones to keep. It was painful, and we only got halfway through, so we’re going to have to do it again soon. On the plus side, I don’t regret our decisions, and I get to drive around with a carload of books until I get rid of them (the car smells good). It was the right thing to do!
Then we got home and I started going through my dresser drawers again. I’ve got a stack of t-shirts that are going away, and Molly has claimed much of my work wardrobe (such as it is), which is helpful to a point – I don’t dress up for work much (mostly jeans), so there’s not that much to give away. I think I can get rid of more shoes… Winter clothes are harder to make decisions about now. I’ve already done the easy stuff (I didn’t wear at all last winter? It’s gone.), but in summer I’m inclined to toss everything. That won’t be all that helpful when it starts to get cold again, and I have to buy new things. I wonder how much of a pain it would be if we used the storage unit to store seasonal clothes. Too many trips? With boxes? Maybe. I didn’t even go to the trouble of storing seasonal clothes in the house (which is why I needed two dressers and a closet). But it would mean we’d be traveling with less. Except when we go somewhere for longer than one or two seasons…yeah, I think that’s a bad idea. Fewer clothes! I need to get rid of more stuff.