Watch out for fog bears
The mist has turned into straight-up fog today (and I think the rain is supposed to start soon and will go on all day). I wish I’d thought to bring my phone with me when I ran. The roads criss-cross the top of this ridge, and there’s this one section where the land falls away from the side of the road into a big depression. There’s a house at the bottom of this bowl, and every time I run by it, I wonder why anyone would build a house in the bottom of a depression like that. It seems like it would flood when it rains, fill up with snow in the winter. What about landslides? What’s the view from the windows? It’s a pretty steep-sided bowl. Was it always like this? Is it a sinkhole? (I’ve spent more time than you might think on this particular house.)
Anyway, the fog was so thick this morning that I couldn’t even see where the ground dropped off, much less the house. What if it disappeared? What if the Nothing gobbled it up? I wish I’d brought my phone with me to get a picture. Instead, here’s the view of the backyard right after my run.
It had started to recede a bit by the time I took the picture, but now (several hours later) it has come back. Brighter, but thicker and closer to the house. Looks like the world outside is disappearing…