A little disappointing
I love the Welcome to Night Vale podcast. I like the stories, I like the weirdness, and oh! We’re going to see one of their live shows next month in Portland! So I’m excited about that. But (there’s always a but) I have to admit I’m a little disappointed in the book. They wrote a book, a novel set in Night Vale, about two characters not in the podcast, but surrounded by the usual Night Vale….denizens. The story isn’t grabbing me, and I think the style (very much the style of the podcast) doesn’t really translate to the written word. Sometimes I can hear it being read to me by Cecil (the voice of the podcast), and that helps, but not always and not enough. Clearly, I should have gotten the audiobook instead, which IS narrated by Cecil.
I’ve been pretty quick to put down books I can’t get into lately, but I’m going to finish this one. I am. Because. Then I can go back to enjoying the podcast. I haven’t listened to it since I started the book. I’m treating it like a reward. I can listen when I finish the book!