It doesn’t take much

I’ve been listening to the audiobook of Lawrence Block’s The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons for the last week or so.  I like the burglar books, but this is not one of the better ones, plot-wise.  There’s some fun character stuff, but also a few unnecessary diversions and a couple of truly stupid characters.  It passed the time, but it all became worth it this morning with the name of a cheese store, mentioned in passing during prep for the denouement (fancy word!): Sweet Suffering Cheeses.  I laughed out loud, startling the homeless guy I was riding by.  I hope it’s a real store.

Wait – nope.  Doesn’t appear to be real.  Quick!  Someone go open a cheese store and name it that.


  1. momma betty

    And this can go on the poster outside:

    Sweet dreams are made of cheese, who am I to diss a Brie. I cheddar the world and the feta cheese, everybody’s looking for Stilton.
    Some of them want fondue too.
    Some of them want to fondue by you.

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