Faulty memory

John and I started watching The Man in the High Castle (Amazon Prime) a few days ago.  We got hooked fast, and we basically binged it all weekend.  We started Season 2 today.

The thing is, I know I read the book, and I know I didn’t particularly like it (I’ve felt that way about every Philip K. Dick book I’ve read), but I don’t remember enough about the plot to have any idea just how much the TV show differs from the book.  I imagine it’s quite a bit different, but in what ways?  I have no idea.  And now that we’re hooked on the show, I don’t want to re-read the book (or even google a plot summary) because I want to avoid spoilers.

Maybe I do read too fast (as I have been accused).  Or maybe I just don’t remember details of books I don’t love.  Of course, since I’m so spoiler-conscious, maybe it’s just as well I don’t remember the book much.


  1. Erik

    The series only followed the book for the first four or five episodes. I don’t want to give away spoilers but about where *she* gets on the bus for San Francisco is where the two diverge. It’s all new territory from there.
    Margaret and I watched and really liked the first season when it came out last year. We tried to start watching the second season but after a full year it was painful to try and remember who was the greater or lesser evil.
    Then we started watching The Crown and have not got around to finishing it.

  2. Man in the sand castle

    According to my uncle, my cousin is the director or something on that show (Erik Oleson). If you happen to see his name pop up in the credits you can say “I know that guy’s cousin!”

    That will have no effect on your image.

    Think I watched the first couple of episodes back when they first came out but didn’t get hooked. Maybe I need to give it another try.

  3. Zannah

    The second season definitely has a different feel than the first. We’re enjoying it. I wouldn’t say we love it, but it’s keeping our attention.

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