Today’s yoga class was terrible. Maybe I should rephrase that. I was terrible in today’s yoga class. It was a relax and restore class, which mostly involved lying down and breathing, and I sucked at it. It’s not like I haven’t had plenty of practice lately. I’ve gone to seven yoga classes in the last twelve days, and each one has been really great except for today’s.
I couldn’t get comfortable. I was always aware of some muscle strain or of the side of my foot pressing too hard into the mat, and I couldn’t turn my brain off. I’m hungry, I have to pee, ooh there’s a train, I’m cold, I’m hot, that guy over there is breathing really loudly, I don’t see the point of doing tree pose while lying down, how do people sit cross-legged for this long, I hope no one heard my stomach grumble just now, seriously why is that guy vocalizing his exhale?
I actually considered leaving about halfway through because I didn’t feel like I was getting anything out of it, and in fact, it was stressing me out a bit.
I’m counting on this being a fluke and getting my yoga groove back next time I go.