
I get up early every day, and I’m tired first thing in the morning, but I usually get over it pretty quickly.  Today was not like that.  John drove Molly back to Portland last night, spent the night there, and drove back this morning after dropping her off at the airport.  I didn’t go because I had stupidly scheduled a ton of meetings (two with customers) for this morning, and I couldn’t reschedule them at the last minute (and one was at 5:30am).  Instead, I stayed home, stayed up later than I should have, woke up at 2am, woke up at 4am, woke up at 4:36am, and then stayed awake until my alarm went off at 5.  Then I snoozed for 10 minutes because of course I did.  I have been fighting yawns and heavy eyelids all day.  I rescheduled my riding lesson because I don’t think I could stay on in this condition, and I think I’m going to skip yoga because no one wants to hear me snore when they’re supposed to be finding their breath in the first five minutes of class.

The only thing that’s keeping me going right now is that it’s nice out for the first time in days and I want to run.  It might be more like crawling, but at least I’ll get some sunshine.  Then I can go to bed.


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