I have been blanking on things to write about lately. I feel like I keep talking about the same things: the weather, riding, running. There’s been a lot of music stuff recently, too. I’m happy to talk about any of those things when something interesting happens, but it’s all status quo around here. My riding is progressing nicely (I LOVE IT SO MUCH), but what’s new to say about riding in circles in the arena and jumping? I mean, until I start jumping higher or unless I fall off again or something, there’s a lot of repetition. I rode in the rain and wind today, but see? I just combined riding and weather. Not cool, bro.
I guess I’m in a writing lull. A writing gully. A culvert. A ditch. I don’t think I’m down a well or in a deep hole or anything. I’m just having a standard, somewhat boring week. Happy Wednesday to me.