Pick a little, talk a little
After rubbing several layers of skin off on one spot on my right calf during Tuesday’s riding lesson (a spot I discovered hours later when hot water hit it in the shower and I shrieked in pain), I have decided it is finally time to shop for real riding clothes. I need full seat breeches, a helmet of my own, and real riding boots. I will probably get paddock boots, actually, and half chaps, instead of tall riding boots, since that’s what was recommended to me by two different people (Wendy being one of them). Still, the half chaps will protect my calves.
Wendy suggested I go to this farm store to check out sizes for pants and boots and then order them online, but I finally went out there this afternoon and they had NOTHING. They had a whole section for clothes and shoes, but it was all western. No riding boots, just cowboy boots, and no breeches. No chaps of any kind. I tried another similar store, but they didn’t have anything, either, so now I have to shop online.
BUT wait! Complaining about shopping online is not why I’m here tonight. The shopping trip wasn’t a total bust because the first farm store had baby chickens! Tanks and tanks of baby chickens! I only took a picture of the bin with the fluffy yellow chicks, but they had all kinds and they were making adorable cheeping noises and IT WAS SO CUTE I didn’t want to leave.
But I did leave, and I’m glad I did (WITHOUT taking home any baby chicks) because the next store had harnesses. For your chickens.
So you can walk your chicken on a leash, I guess? Or maybe go bungee jumping with her? They came in pink, red, and blue – all colors to suit your chicken-harnessing needs!
My life is richer for knowing people take their chickens on walks.