I was just going through my pictures, and I can’t believe I haven’t shared this one with you yet.
In case you don’t believe your eyes, yes, that is a bus with a boat on top of it, parked at the corner of 7th and Oak (I think) in downtown Eugene, not far from where we live. Maybe the boat is just sitting on top of the bus, but I like to think it’s been incorporated into the structure of the bus, that from inside the bus, you can climb up into the boat, and hang out as you trundle along the road. Like the top deck of a double-decker tour bus.
I might not lack the imagination to come up with the idea of mounting a boat on top of a bus (given the right circumstances), but I sure as hell lack the…guts? chutzpah? weird-ass ambition?…to actually do it.
The date on the picture is April 1st – could this have been an elaborate April Fool’s joke? I haven’t seen the bus since then, but who goes to that much trouble?
People are strange, but I salute you, person whose dream it was to attach a boat to the roof of a bus! Sail on!
I love the person who made that, no matter why or how.