We are down to minimal boxes, guys. The first floor has zero boxes left. On the second floor, the only boxes left are the two wardrobe size boxes from our closet. In the basement, there are a couple of boxes, tools and things we don’t use much, and the third floor has zero boxes!
I was thisclose to suggesting we get rid of every item of clothing we didn’t travel across the country with – that’s all we had to wear for two and a half weeks, and we did fine – but then I remembered that it’s been summer and fall is starting and winter is coming and I’m not in the mood to buy a whole new wardrobe. Some new clothes, sure, but I can’t handle starting from scratch. Plus, I like a lot of my fall and winter clothes.
Next step for the house: unpack the rest of the clothes and sort out our closet situation. We have plenty of closet space, but we’re not sure how to organize it yet.
Step after that: hang stuff on the walls! We are actually going to hang our stuff up EARLY. For real. We totally are. I’ll show you. Trust me.